Tachometer Transmitter Refurbishing - Sun Electric Corporation EB 7A/8A/9A/14A - All EB's
Tachometer Transmitter Refurbishing - Sun Electric Corporation EB 7A/8A/9A/14A - All EB's
Do you have an old Sun Electric transmitter that you'd love to use, but don't want to have to replace batteries, and want it to be accurate. Well, send your EB Transmitter to us and we'll get it ready to use. Externally the box will be the same, however, the internals of the sending unit will upgraded and replaced. The refurbished box will receives 12v power source instead of battery with the ability to fine tune the output voltage to work properly with paired Sun Electric Corp RC series tachometer for any 4, 6 or 8 Cylinder gas engines. Price includes USPS priority mail return shipping.
Ship unit to: GMC Jewelry - 1227 Randolph Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 use your choice of carriers and packaging.